Webdesing Regensburg

JavaScript Code Snippet After Form Submission Redirects To Thank You (Confirmation Page) – URL Conversion Tracking

In the world of online interactions, creating a seamless and user-friendly experience is paramount to the success of any website or business. One often overlooked aspect that can significantly contribute to this positive user experience is the implementation of a custom confirmation or thank-you page upon form submission.

By a simple JS code snippet, you can easily redirect users to a custom designed thank-you page after they successfully fill out a form. This not only provides a more polished and professional touch to your website but also allows you to track conversions effectively, especially in the context of advertising campaigns like Google Ads (https://support.google.com/google-ads/answer/12676738?hl=en).

To implement this, utilize a straightforward JavaScript code snippet designed to detect the ‘wpcf7mailsent’ event or the corresponding event associated with your specific form submission action. in our example, This event is triggered when a user successfully submits a form created with the popular WordPress Contact Form 7 plugin. However, similar events can be used with other form solutions.


// Listen for the 'wpcf7mailsent' event, which signifies successful submission of the email form
document.addEventListener('wpcf7mailsent', function(event) {
// Redirect the user to the 'https://website.com/thank-you/' page upon successful email submission
window.location.href = 'https://website.com/thank-you/';
}, false);


In this example, the script redirects the user to the specified ‘/thank-you/’ page immediately after a successful form submission. Feel free to replace the URL with the actual path to your custom thank-you page.

Implementing this JavaScript snippet not only enhances UX by providing clear feedback but also contributes to more effective URL conversion tracking. By redirecting users to a separate confirmation page, you gain the ability to analyze, measure and optimize the success of your marketing efforts more accurately.

In conclusion, integrating JavaScript form submission redirects is a small yet impactful step towards creating a user-friendly website and optimizing conversion tracking. Enhancing the overall user experience not only leaves a positive impression but also contributes to the success of your online endeavors.

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